Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lost in a Ball of Yarn

I have discovered the love for my slow cooker again!

It is great when you can through together a meal, in the morning and let the aroma spread through the house while you spend the rest of the day lounging on the couch with a ball of yarn and your fur babies!

Life doesn't get much better than this!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Usually on the weekend I am dying to get out and go anywhere!
But this Sunday is a bit overcast and I am feeling a bit lazy. I just want to climb back into bed and do some crocheting.

So after the laundry is done, the groceries are bought I am going to do just that get nice and comfy in bed, put on a good movie and work on my blanket!

This blanket was to be a baby blanket however it was too big so I have decided to make it a lap blanket. I am not sure how I feel about the colors, I used Bernat Baby Sport in Candy Baby. When it was on the roll it looked fabulous but now I am unsure, and still need to decide on a color to finish the edges, any suggestions?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

So Many Things So Little Time.

Funny how you can buy just about anything these days. Too bad there was not a way to purchase time.
I have so many things that I want to do unfortunately there is never enough hours in the day, week, month or year.
Here is my growing list of things I would love to accomplish this life time. I would love to hear what you have on your list.

  • Travel to Italy.
  • Travel to France.
  • Finish all the Cross Stitch Patterns in my stash.
  • I know how to Crochet (sort of lol) but want to learn how to Knit.
  • Paint a masterpiece (after I learn how)
  • Make a fabulous quilt for my daughter, son and future grandchildren (God forbid I am not here to meet them)
  • Volunteer more.
  • Learn how to play the piano.
  • Relearn how to play the guitar.
  • Learn to stress less and live more.
  • Go on a girls vacation!
  • Conquer my fears.
  • Host a massive Christmas Party and a cookie exchange.
  • Declutter my home.
  • Re paint my home again and put in hardwood flooring.
  • Take a cruise.
  • Visit Prince Edward Island, the East Coast of Canada, California, Southern United States.
  • Read all the books I own and all the ones on my reading wish list.
  • Be able to do something extravagant for my parents and MIL.
  • Doing something fabulous for all the people who have impacted my life.
  • Buy a new camera, do a road trip across the country, camping in many different places and taking amazing  pictures of people, places and things I have seen.
  • Fall asleep beneath the stars on the beach watching the sunset and wake up to the sun rising.

These are just a few of the things on my in this lifetime to do list. As I said it is always growing and changing.
Happy Sunday everyone!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I just wanna stay in bed all day!

I love my job I honestly do!!
But today I am just exhausted and I would rather hide under the covers all day with my fur baby rather than face the world!

Unfortuantely work calls and the bills need to be paid.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

 I almost forgot I would like to wish my Mom, and all the other Mom's out there 
a spectacular Mother's Day!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Finally Found the Light! Goodbye My Dear Friends!

Well yesterday the day I have been dreaming of for several months finally arrived!
I got a call for a new job.

I will be honest say it felt like I was fighting a loosing battle and that I would be stuck at this job I disliked for many years to come, so it was truly an amazing feeling giving my notice.

I have made some wonderful friends along the way and hope that we will continue our friendship for many years to come.

Sometimes it's the people and not the paycheck that makes the days more bearable and to each one of you I truly thank you for making the days a little easier. I wish you all nothing but the best and I will miss each and everyone of you.

Miss A. I will miss how sweet you come off and how you would flip the customers the bird even though they could not see it and the time when out of no where you shocked us all by loosing your cool and giving attitude back to that evil woman! You made me laugh many times and we shared so many "I thought it was just me moments."
Miss A. I know you have so much going on in your life and I hope that one day soon you are able to take some time for yourself to just breathe!

Miss J. don't be scared! Just because we have been there for several months it does not mean job security, starting a new job is scary but you know that if that new job was there first you would have taken that no questions asked.

Miss L you are a rude little bitch! Your mamma must not have taught you any manners. We tolerate you to be polite, but people do not need you bossing them around!!  I am going to tell you something very shocking so you better sit down........YOU DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING! I know hard to believe but you don't!!

Lastly, to my wonderful supervisor thanks for nothing!! SERIOUSLY!! After all these months you still don't know who I am!!! I am sure in some ways that is a good thing.
Unbelievable that it took you and two other supervisors to find me the other day and I was sitting 6 people down from you! I guess I won't have to worry about you missing me hahaha!

Best things about quitting my job no more weekends! And that's right I can pee whenever I want!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Why People Should be Banned From the Library!

Saturday I had my whole day planned I was so excited to get to the library and get my books. In order to get the books I wanted I needed to make a trip to 2 different libraries in the big city.

As I was checking out the one book I was extremely excited about getting I noticed by the bar code there was a sticker stating it was missing pages 81 to 86.
I was a bit disappointed but figured oh well I will take it anyway. All the way home the curiosity was killing me to find out what was missing in the darn book.

I walked in the door and without even taking my shoes off, walked into the living room and dropped my pile of books on the coffee table. I dove into my pile of books to find the book in question Get Hooked Again by Kim Werker opened it up only to find that main reason I picked up this book the "Ruby Slippers" by Vashti Braha belonged on those missing pages!! I was so disappointed!

After going through a few of the other books I noticed that in another book "Crochet Bags! 15 Hip Projects for Carrying Your Stuff."  By Candi Jensen was also missing pages 83 and 84 which had the instructions for her "Flower Power" pattern.
If this was in the age prior to photocopiers, digital cameras or scanners I could certainly understand why someone would be inclined to rip pages out of a book. But come on people do not ruin the book for others!!! It's a crochet pattern write it down it's not that difficult!!

 I recently took out another book from the library and was disappointed to find that someone had written all over the pages of the book. I loaned the book to a friend who returned it to the library. Upon returning it to the library my friend mentioned all the markings in the book to the librian as to not have either of us accused of vandalizing the book. The librarian acted so casual about the whole thing and this book has a list price of $77. I guess they are so used to people ruining books it comes as no surprise to them anymore.

It is one thing you expect that children's books may be vandalized but adults should really know better!!

Have a great Monday!!